henley21Henley P

Assistant Group Lead

Henley was born and raised in Glen Rose, Texas. As a kid he spent most of his time outside building forts with his little brother, playing in the creek next to his house or following dogs on adventures into neighbors’ pastures filled with old farm equipment and an abandoned stagecoach house.

Henley attended Tarleton State University receiving a Bachelors in English and minor in Spanish. After, he finally left Texas and the country to work as a peace corps volunteer in Central America. This was his first real adventure, and he’s tried his best to make each new phase of his life as interesting as the one before. In 2014, he thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail with three friends to raise money for the Quetzal Trekkers, an organization he worked at in Guatemala the previous year. During his hike, he met people who got paid to work with kids outside and decided that sounded pretty rewarding.

Whether it be a physical or emotional hurdle to overcome, the outdoors is a great setting to allow change to happen. Henley feels fortunate to have the opportunity to challenge kids and himself in the deserts and mountains of Utah. His free time is spent running and hiking in the mountains, reading, riding his bike and simply relaxing.